Myroslav Grygorkiv

Sense of Belonging
In this short documentary film, three individuals share their life stories of what it's like to be an immigrant. Diving deep into their past, they are exploring and sharing with the viewers their definition of the place that they call “home”. Through out the film, participants share stories of obstacles they had to overcome, in order to become a part of American society. From the country they came from, to what would they do differently given their current experience, the interviewees share their entire life story, within the fifteen minutes of the film’s run time. After questioning their own motivations and life choices, everyone concludes what is their “sense of belonging.”
Viken Yeranosian, a young gentleman, who was born in Armenia, and lived the early part of his life in Kirkuk, Iraq. Along with his family he was able to escape from his home country and seek asylum in the United States. Arriving to America as a young teenager, he faced many difficulties, such as racism, isolation, and bullying, which explores and shares during his interview. Being a strong minded individual, he overcame these obstacles, and with a bright smile on his face, is willing to share his thoughts on does and don’ts of becoming a member of new society.

Aksana Tanner, the trailblazer of my project. She was the first individual to agree and participate in the documentary film. Coming from European country as a young adult, she struggled through and managed to find the power within to live and adapt to the American lifestyle. As of now, she has lived here for over 20 years, has a loving family that she built here, and a very interesting story to tell.

Viktoria Senkiv is a Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement student, who has lived in the United States for over six years. She arrived here as a young high school graduate, leaving her family behind to seek of a better life for herself as well as, for her family. She has a very charismatic personality, and strong leadership skills, that helped her to overcome many difficulties, such as language barrier and death of her mother, on her path to become a member of American culture. Now she is finishing her academics and is getting ready to give back to the community as a law enforcer.

“Calm before the Storm”
Before staring filming, I would set my equipment up, and spend few minutes talking to the interviewees, while the camera’s, were off.
That way, participants would be able to get used to the presence of camera, as well as feel more comfortable talking to me in front of it. Suddenly, I would quietly turn the camera’s on, and amidst conversations, slowly started shifting the topic to the actual interview. By the time they would realize that the camera

“Calm before the Storm”
Before staring filming, I would set my equipment up, and spend few minutes talking to the interviewees, while the camera’s, were off.
That way, participants would be able to get used to the presence of camera, as well as feel more comfortable talking to me in front of it. Suddenly, I would quietly turn the camera’s on, and amidst conversations, slowly started shifting the topic to the actual interview. By the time they would realize that the camera

One camera on a tripod,
Another one in my hands,
The filming never stopped,
Amidst search of “the perfect shot.”