J Whitaker
recess!! is an artist’s attempt to discover why we no longer pursue play as we grow older. Children prioritize play over all else, oftentimes completing productive tasks only when it becomes an obstacle to play. Adults do the opposite and will turn playful tasks into productive ones. Take the creation of art for example; undoubtedly creating art for a child would be considered play. For adults however, art is often created to convey a message to the viewer. recess!! is a portal into what creativity looks like when pursuing unadulterated play: no plan, no blueprints, no message, no end. To simply make for the sake of making, guided by the intuitive lostness that comes with unconstrained creation. recess!! asks the audience to revisit play as a priority and to feel good instead of guilt when taking the time to play.A reflective comic about my relationship to play in the setting of school. Mixed media.
A comic about playing a video game with my 62 year old mother, and the significance of that.
A collection of photos of my various workspaces throughout this year.
A collection of makings from this year in IP.
A bonus collection of playful photos I had taken during this project.