Sadie Reuter

BFA in Art & Design

Bone Chair

Sadie Reuter is a designer focusing on furniture design. Her work utilizes pattern and striking geometry to create a sense of continuity and visual interest. The history of osseous materials goes back at least 480,000 years, with the oldest archaeological example. However, in the hundreds of millennia since, bone has stopped being used as people became disconnected from the idea of using all of an animal. The Bone Chair is a work that aims to bring the ancient material of bone into a contemporary design setting and aims to find a balance between the original form of the bones and obscuring them to create a more contemporary visual effect. Deer tibia and fibula are used because they are strong enough to support a person and are visually distinct as bone. The chair utilizes a pattern created by the bones and the user’s physical interactions to force people to connect with the material and its source. The seat of the chair is made of cut flat pieces that the user can interact with and one continuous piece inspired by the curve of bones forms each side of the chair and includes more intact pieces to heighten the visual read.
The artist (Sadie Reuter) sitting in the Bone Chair.

The artist (Sadie Reuter) sitting in the Bone Chair.

An image of the Bone Chair in a forest among the leaves and natural debris on the ground.

Bone Chair 2021
Epoxy and deer bones

Ellie Ward sitting in the Bone Chair.
Special thanks to Ellie Ward who put up with the bone dust and smells, was a great supporter of the project, and mode of transportation throughout.

Ellie Ward sitting in the Bone Chair.
Special thanks to Ellie Ward who put up with the bone dust and smells, was a great supporter of the project, and mode of transportation throughout.

Front view of the Bone Chair.

Front view of the Bone Chair.

The Bone Chair

The Bone Chair

Side view of the Bone Chair.

Side view of the Bone Chair.

Back view of the Bone Chair.

Back view of the Bone Chair.

Detail view of the seat of the Bone Chair.

Detail view of the seat of the Bone Chair.

The artist cutting the bones.

The artist cutting the bones.

Stress tests for possible configurations of the body of the chair.

Stress tests for possible configurations of the body of the chair.