Megan McMurray

BFA in Art & Design

Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. - Identity System Rebrand

Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit organization that trains and pairs service dogs to deserving veterans and others in need. Raising their dogs to treat a variety of conditions such as PTSD, brain injuries, depression/anxiety, and more—the organization has paired more than 300 dogs since its founding in 2010. My father was paired with service dog Cobalt in 2018 to heal his disabilities sustained in combat. My family has developed a strong connection to the organization alongside him. As valuable as their mission is, my proposed visual identity better expresses the community, healing, and independence these dogs provide to their recipients. From the beginning of the research process to the design of a new logo and its application, this rebranding reflects the individual stories behind this brave community. I documented my work in two books, “Process” (contextual research)  and “Identity System” (my final outcome). These volumes encompass my personal experience with GAMSD and the entire body of work the organization has spent the last 10 years developing
An image mockup of two books titled

“Rebranding Vol. 1 Process” and “Rebranding Vol. 2 Identity System”
These volumes are a pair, but the first book is rather contextual information – the second book is the main content of the project.

Rebranding Vol. 1 – Process

The Final Product: Rebranding Vol.2 – Identity System