Betsy Stubbs

BFA in Art & Design

I Hate Myself (Less)

I Hate Myself (Less) is a memoir-style artist book that catalogs my mental health journey over the past decade with personal narratives and images. The book follows how I use my creative practice to reflect on my mental illness as well as begin to heal from trauma. As I became more vocal about my anxiety and depression, people began reaching out to me, telling me how sharing my truth helped them to seek help for their own demons. In sharing my story, I hope to make others dealing with similar issues feel less alone and hopeful that healing is possible and that creativity can be a catalyst for that healing.
Blue Book cover with expressive pink letters that read

I Hate Myself (Less) Book Cover

full chapter title spread

Example Spread

Red page with pink text

Example Spread

full chapter title spread

example Spread

I Hate Myself (less) book