Ansleigh Hamilton

BFA in Art & Design

Biting My Tongue

This book will end without either of us knowing what’s wrong. This book is not a story, it is documentation, it is a journal, it is a patient questionnaire, it is proof despite invisibility, it is interactive, it is an uncertain diagnosis. Mostly this book is for me. The telling is in parts because a life is not a cohesive whole. And because it is too much work to remember every little thing. I hope you read this and feel seen, heard, present, loved, confronted, whatever it is you need at this moment. I hope you are never fighting alone. Please, look in, explore, play, and we will both know what we know.
Several transparent pages flip up to reveal what is underneath them; an ink drawing of an abdominal x-ray, then an ink drawing of nerves, then an ink drawing of a uterus and ovaries, then an ink drawing of intestines.

What Hurts?

A vibrant gauche and pencil cartoon profile portrait of the artist with a stylized esophagus visible. A ball of chewed-up food spins and is pulled up and down the throat.

Help Me Swallow

A painting of a black pug sitting on a green couch in front of a window showing trees. A tab pulls open from the bottom of the couch to reveal a spinner and the words

Do Years Always Feel This Full?

A portrait of the artist in purple ink and green colored pencil with a tab that flips open to reveal imaging from the artist's endoscopy and biopsy procedures.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Endoscopies